Content Connectors and Usage with PersonaFin AI.

Content is a key part of any users journey, whether research investment opportunities, identifying trading opportunities, or otherwise keeping up-to-date with economic developments. It is vital that users are delivered content that is relevant to a users interests, pertinent to current developments, and delivered in a timely and consistent manner. However, different content providers often have content that differs widely in format and structure, and have different methods of distribution with varying capabilities and capacity. This can make it difficult or limiting to work with for customers wanting to integrate multiple providers into a single platform.

PersonaFin solves this through our content collection, standardisation, and redistribution capabilities. The PersonaFin system connects to numerous disparate sources of news, articles, social media, alternative datasets and other media types. Our systems then ingest this content and convert the content into our standardised content format, extracting pertinent topical, keyword, and securities information, and provide our customers to consume surface all their content needs through a single, easy to user API suite; allowing content to be queried in a simple manner, surfacing focused content or blended feeds to suite any requirement.

What Content Providers do we connect with?

We maintain relationships and connectors with many major content providers, to ensure that you can quickly and easily get the content you need into your platform.

Some of the major providers we can connect to include:

Customer Content Connectors

As well as our connectors with major content providers, our platform allows us to quickly and easily add new connectors. So if you have your own custom content that you want to blend with other major content sources, or use with our personalization capabilities, we will work with you to create a custom connector to your content sources.

We are constantly expanding our connectors, so if you don’t see what you need here get in touch; we are likely already able to consume the content you need, or have it on our roadmap.

How do we connect?

We connect to many different providers, and maintain a number of different connector types. This allows us to consume content provided by you or a content provider through any means. In conjunction with logic to handle a range of eventualities, this means that we can consume real-time content feeds, market signals and summaries, economic reports, and calendar events via polling API, webhook, RSS feed, direct data storage connection, or various other means.

What happens once interaction events enter our system?

Our Connectors collect content in its raw form from their target source and send it into the PersonaFin AI system. Once it enters the platform it is analysed and normalized into our Standardised Format, and our identity mapping services identify and extract relevant, queryable, features of the content that allows it to be queried and used by our API’s.

How do you alter the content your collect?

We strive to avoid making any changes to the content we consume. Our systems analyse and extract pertinent information needed to allow the content to be provided in a standardised, queryable format, but we do not alter, add to, or manipulate the body of the content itself. For more information see – “A Standardised Content Format”

The content is then classified appropriately to indicate which api’s it will appear in: as a content feed, or a more static dataset. It is then ready to be queried via our api’s or other products.

The example flow below gives a high level overview of the flow of data around the PersonaFin system.

Do you store collected content? How long is content stored?

Collected content is held in transient cloud based storage, and is stored for a maximum of 60 days.

How is stored content protected?

Collected content is protected from capture to output, through HTTPS and end-to-end encryption (in-transit and at-rest). We check against customer keys and licenses to ensure that a content source is only provisioned to a customer who has the appropriate rights to receive that content.

Do you share content with customers who do not have a license with the content provider?

No. All customers wishing to make use of content from a provider must have a license with that provider. However, PersonaFin can obtain a license for you for the content sources you wish to use (for the additional cost of the license).

A Standardised Content Format

As part of transformation, content is put into a standardised format, that can robustly handle all most content sources, and is easily queryable via our api’s.

How can you use our Content Services?


  • Contact PersonaFin to discuss requirements
  • Ensure you have your content source license details
  • Discuss with Personafin any custom content sources you wish to use, and how we can help

Querying our API’s

Our api’s are easy to use for creating news feed and querying content. See our API documentation for full details on how to use these.