
Integration At The Heart Of Design

At PersonaFin, integration is at the heart of our design philosophy. We recognize the significant investments made by your product and design teams in developing your platform’s features and functionalities. That’s why our APIs act as a flexible data layer, seamlessly integrating with your existing platform infrastructure.

Integrate With Our Finance Specific Behavior Capture SDK

Once implemented, your platform will begin capturing granular user behaviors and transmitting them back to us. Every behavior is mapped to an instrument to help us begin crafting financial narratives around your users.

Map Your Instruments And Users To Our Systems

Match the naming conventions & IDs of your instruments and users between systems so they can speak the same language. This mapping allows us to recognise individual users and determine their level of interest in specific instruments.

Configure Your Personalization Parameters In Line with Your Platform KPIs

Work with us to better understand what success looks like to your internal teams so that we can configure our personalization engine to align with your business objectives.

Choose From Our Selection of Products And Offerings

Select the features you would like to introduce to your platform and decide whether you would like to use our pre-built front-end components or power your own with our APIs.

Deliver Hyper-Personalized Financial Experiences

Your users should now benefit from the delivery of hyper-personalized financial experiences. We will work with you to monitor and make any changes to your configuration in such a way that causes no disruption.

You’ll now also be able to tap into the behaviors of your users and better understand how they interact with the financial markets through your platform(s).

Ready to Enable Personalized Financial Experiences on Your Platform?

With PersonaFin, our dedicated experts are on hand to support you every step of the way. From integration all the way through to implementation and go-live, your success is our success.

Get in touch today to see how PersonaFin can enable personalized financial experiences on your platform.