our approach

At PersonaFin, we recognize the critical importance of smooth, uninterrupted business operations for our clients, directors, and stakeholders alike. That’s why we’ve established a robust Information Security Policy, ensuring not only the protection of data but also the continuous improvement and effectiveness of our information security processes.

key highlights

commitment to excellence

Our policy embodies our pledge to maintain a management system focused on achieving our company’s objectives and fostering continuous improvement based on risk analysis and mitigation.

employee empowerment

We equip our staff with necessary training and awareness, emphasizing their role in upholding our security standards.

Stakeholder Assurance

PersonaFin actively communicates our information security details to all relevant parties, ensuring compliance with legal and contractual obligations.

Continuous Improvement

Guided by the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timed) principles, our objectives undergo regular monitoring and review, signifying our proactive stance towards enhancing information security.

Further information

For those interested in delving deeper into our Information Security Management System, we offer the complete Information Security Policy for download. This document provides an exhaustive overview of our policy, including our objectives, roles, responsibilities, and the framework for our ongoing commitment to data security.