What We Do

Delivering Hyper-Personalized Financial Experiences

At PersonaFin, we boost user engagement with your existing platforms and offerings through hyper-personalized financial experiences made possible by the PersonaFin AI Cloud.

By harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence, we understand your users like never before and allow you to deliver unmatched personalized experiences that help to differentiate your platform(s) from others.

Today’s Standard for Personalization

Financial platforms can no longer overlook the power of personalization. In today’s digital landscape, users have come to expect experiences tailored specifically to them.

Whether it’s personalized playlists from Spotify, product recommendations from Amazon, or watch suggestions from Netflix, top companies in other industries have woven personalized experiences into the fabric of their customer journeys.

PersonaFin is here to take a similar approach for financial platforms.

Increase Engagement With Existing Platforms and Features

At PersonaFin, we understand that your product and design teams have invested a significant amount of time and resources into your existing suite of products and platforms.

That’s why our solutions are entirely headless, allowing you to deploy personalization without the need for frontend overhauls.

ENABLE Feedback Loop Between YOUR Users and Internal Teams

The prerequisite for personalization is obtaining a 360-degree view of your users, including their real-time interactions, behaviors, and interests. The headless aspect of our offering enables the capture, processing, and utilization of user behavioral data by your internal product, marketing, and customer teams.

This enables a feedback loop between platform users and your internal teams. We provide all these data points through customizable, real-time dashboards that present your data in a manner that encourages innovation.

Reducing Churn on Financial Platforms

Without personalization, engagement remains transactional and fleeting as users stray to other platforms. But with PersonaFin, platforms can deeply understand individual users and their evolving interests.

Our AI actively surfaces hyper-relevant suggestions and insights tailored to each user. This level of understanding forges lasting emotional connections and enduring loyalty instead of shallow transactions.

Don’t settle for passive, disconnected users.

Ready to Start Your Personalization Journey?

With PersonaFin, we understand the complexities of personalization within the context of financial platforms.Our products and solutions have been designed with your customers in mind.

Get in touch today to see how PersonaFin can enable personalized financial experiences on your